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EBOOKBouncing back from a cyber attack

Building resilience for your business with actionable insights and prevention tactics for enhanced cyber security


In 2023, cybercrime reports soared to nearly 94,000—a 23% increase from the previous year. Now, a new cybercrime report is filed every 6 minutes.

ASD Cyber Threat Report 2023

With cyber breaches on the rise, strong cyber defences and effective recovery strategies are essential for every business. A cyber incident can disrupt operations, damage customer trust, and lead to significant financial losses. By implementing the right strategies, you can respond swiftly, recover effectively, and minimise the impact, securing your business's future. Download our ebook today to discover the essential cyber resilience strategies your business needs to stay protected.

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We’ve written a comprehensive 9-chapter ebook to bolster your cyber security in 2024. This guide will help you identify weaknesses, develop robust cyber strategies, create effective response plans, and ensure business continuity. Ready to strengthen your defences? Have a read of our eBook today.



What happens in a cyber-attack?

Uncover the stages of a cyber-attack


Ransomware demands: to pay or not to pay?

Navigate the complexities of ransomware demands


Cyber resilience: bouncing back

Learn how to respond and recover to protect your business


Preparation: the human factor

Uncover the critical role people play in safeguarding a business


Preparation: balancing cyber budget vs cyber risks

Optimise your resource allocation to manage cyber threats effectively


Preparation: cyber compliance

Implement and align your business practices with legal and regulatory standards


Preparation: building a secure foundation

Establish essential security protocols and infrastructure to protect your business. 


Response and recovery: cyber insurance, disaster recovery plan and critical incident response plan

Uncover the strategies for mitigating the impact of cyber incidents

Why Netier

Discover why our proactive approach at Netier makes us your trusted cybersecurity partner.

According to the ASD Cyber Threat Report 2023, cybercrime costs in Australia have surged by 14%. On average, small businesses face losses of $46,000 per incident, medium businesses $97,200, and large businesses $71,600.
